I am having trouble creating a batch file (.bat) that will find all videos in particular folders and output screenshots automatically using VLC Media Player.
I have created the following script after hours of trial and error that somewhat works. It does open and close the videos one by one which is great! But I still have to manually take screenshots (Shift-S) for each video, and when I close a video it opens the next one in queue etc. This is the code I have so far that I run as a batch file (.bat) from a root folder:
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
SET VLCPATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC
for /r %%f in ("*.flv") do vlc --scene-replace --snapshot-sequential --video-filter=scene --scene-ratio=18 --scene-width=160 --scene-height=120 --video-filter=scene --snapshot-format=png --start-time=280 --stop-time=281 --snapshot-path="%%~pf%%~nf.png" --snapshot-prefix="test-" "%%f"
Using the above code I'm looking for a way to change it so it automatically:
Any advice would be much appreciated :)
Tested example:
for /r %a in (*.flv) do start /wait "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc" --video-filter=scene --scene-ratio=18 --scene-width=160 --scene-height=120 --start-time=280 --stop-time=281 --scene-prefix="%~na-" --no-audio --play-and-exit --scene-path="%~dpa." "%~fa"