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How to look up vtable index of a method on the IWinHttpRequest interface?

I assume it's in winhttp.dll somewhere, but I can't find any reference to it by dumping the DLL using bindump. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can find the vtable index of a method?


  • The information is in the IDL file, httprequest.idl.

    interface IWinHttpRequest : IDispatch
        [id(DISPID_HTTPREQUEST_SETPROXY), helpstring("Specify proxy configuration")]
        HRESULT SetProxy([in] HTTPREQUEST_PROXY_SETTING ProxySetting,
                         [in, optional] VARIANT ProxyServer,
                         [in, optional] VARIANT BypassList);
        [id(DISPID_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS), helpstring("Specify authentication credentials")]
        HRESULT SetCredentials([in] BSTR UserName,
                         [in] BSTR Password,

    From this you can read off the method indices. It's a bit tricky because you first have to count the method indices of the base interface IDispatch.

    // IUnknown
    0: QueryInterface
    1: AddRef
    2: Release
    // IDispatch
    3: GetTypeInfoCount
    4: GetTypeInfo
    5: GetIDsOfNames
    6: Invoke
    // IWinHttpRequest
    7: SetProxy
    8: SetCredentials
    ... etc. ...

    You can remove the tedium by using theoffsetof macro.