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Parser combinator grammar not yielding correct associativity

I am working on a simple expression parser, however given the following parser combinator declarations below, I can't seem to pass my tests and a right associative tree keeps on popping up.

def EXPR:Parser[E] = FACTOR ~ rep(SUM|MINUS) ^^ {case a~b => (a /: b)((acc,f) => f(acc))}
def SUM:Parser[E => E] = "+" ~ EXPR ^^ {case "+" ~ b => Sum(_, b)}
def MINUS:Parser[E => E] = "-" ~ EXPR ^^ {case "-" ~ b => Diff(_, b)}

I've been debugging hours for this. I hope someone can help me figure it out it's not coming out right.

"5-4-3" would yield a tree that evaluates to 4 instead of the expected -2.

What is wrong with the grammar above?


  • It seems using "+" ~ EXPR made the answer incorrect. It should have been FACTOR instead.