I have the following code compiles without issue. Of course, I get an invalid cast exception when executing the Dim C As IDoThingsC = GetThing_C()
. Am I missing something? Would you ever want to return an object that does not meet the interface requirement for a function return value?
Public Class ClassA
Public Sub DoThings_A()
Debug.Print("Doing A things...")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ClassB
Implements IDoThingsC
Public Sub DoThings_B()
Debug.Print("Doing B things...")
End Sub
Public Sub DoThings_C() Implements IDoThingsC.DoThings_C
Debug.Print("Doing C things...")
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface IDoThingsC
Sub DoThings_C()
End Interface
Public Class aTest
Public Sub Test()
Dim C As IDoThingsC = GetThing_C()
End Sub
Public Function GetThing_C() As IDoThingsC
Dim Thing As ClassA = New ClassA
Return Thing
End Function
End Class
Use Option Strict On
at the top of your source code file to catch problems like this. You'll get a compile time error instead of a runtime error:
error BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'ClassA' to 'IDoThingsC'.