I am using yii and i want to display the results of an array in the cgridview The Cgridview code says
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Now usersproducts is the relation name that maintains the many to many relation btween visitors and products
Generally if i want to get the data from $data->usersproducts i will do this
foreach($data->usersproducts as $record)
echo $record->productName;
But i dnt know how to get this data in cgrid view as foreach will not work in the CGridView array?
I know that i can use ($this,functionName) and return the result but i want to do it in the array only. Is it possible? and if so how can i do it?
On your $data object, create a method to fetch all product names as you have described.
public function getUserProductNames()
$ret = "";
$first = true;
foreach ($this->userproducts as $record) {
if ($first === true) {
$first = false;
} else {
$ret .= ', ';
$ret .= $record->productName;
return $ret;
Then in your CGridView configuration you can use: