I want to use "runas /user:admin_name "cmd.exe ....." in my batch script. I need a way to find out precisely the username of the administrator, so that it can be used in "/user:admin_name". If I run "net localgroup administrators", I do get the name of the administrator, but it seems like I have to dig it out from a load of strings as shown in the output below. And this script will be runnning on many different machines which I don't have access to. So, I don't know how exactly the output of "net localgroup administrators" will look like on all the machine configurations. How can I get the name of local administrator without any ambiguity on all Windows machines running NT or Vista or Win-7 ot Win-8 on the network or off the network ?
Alias name administrators Comment Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain
Administrator PETERPAN The command completed successfully.
SET "admins="
SET "prev="
FOR /f "delims=" %%A IN ('net localgroup administrators') DO (
CALL SET "admins=%%admins%% %%prev%%"
SET "prev=%%A"
SET admins=%admins:*- =%
ECHO admins are "%admins%"
This should get you a list of administrators from net localgroup administrators