FMDatabase *database = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:databasePath]; [database open];
FMResultSet *results = nil;
results=[database executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM CLINIQDB"];
while([results next])
countryArr=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[countryArr addObject:[results stringForColumn:@"countryNames"]];
NSLog(@"The country arr %@",countryArr);
[database close];
Actually I have 10 country names but contryArr showing only last value for example my countries are {India,Australia,..........,Russia};
countryArr have only Russia in it.
what's wrong with my code.
Initialise your array before of while loop
FMResultSet *results = nil;
results=[database executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM CLINIQDB"];
countryArr=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
while([results next])
[countryArr addObject:[results stringForColumn:@"countryNames"]];
NSLog(@"The country arr %@",countryArr);
[database close];