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Error compiling AMD with typescript

I am currently encountering a problem with my typescript compilation.

I am using the last version on OpenLayers (3.0.0 Beta 1) and I try to integrate it into my AMD modules. I precise that I am not really familiar with the AMD mechanism and typescript.

To manage my map, created thanks to OpenLayers3, i am creating a new module :


/// <reference path="../_import.ts" />

import ol = require('ol');

*   Custom class used to wrap the OpenLayers Map class.
*   This is used to extend the functionnalities (i.e. controls)
*   Defined following the chaining method pattern.
*   @module OlMap
*   @class
class OlMap {
      // My code here

To make easier the use of OpenLayers3 (that is not AMD), i created a definition file called ol3.d.ts that is referenced into my _import.ts

My problem is that when i try to compile this, i am getting the error :

OlMap.ts<3.1> error TS2071: Unable to resolve external module ''ol''
OlMap.ts<3.1> error TS2072: Module cannot be aliased to a non-module type.

The compile file looks like :

/// <reference path="../_import.ts" />
define(["require", "exports", 'ol'], function(require, exports, __ol__) {
    var ol = 'ol';

But it should be more like :

/// <reference path="../_import.ts" />
define(["require", "exports", 'ol'], function(require, exports, __ol__) {
    var ol = __ol__;

If i manually edit the javascript file generated like the previous code (var ol = __ ol__;) i have no dependencies problems, but the generated file creates errors due to the compilation error.

Any ideas ? Thanks

Edit : I am not integrating the OpenLayer javascript file into the HTML. OpenLayer is not an AMD library so, i am using the RequireJS's Shim.


  • You need to declare it as an externally loaded module. i.e:

    declare module 'ol'{
        var openlayers:any;
        export = openlayers;
    import ol = require('ol');
    class OlMap {
          // My code here

    Which generates:

    define(["require", "exports", 'ol'], function(require, exports, __ol__) {
        var ol = __ol__;
        var OlMap = (function () {
            function OlMap() {
            return OlMap;