I'm working on a video flash player to stream. What I want to do, is to display the total time of the stream and not the time since the user is watching the stream. I have a problem now, is that when I pause then play the video, the current time restarts. Do you have any ideas to fix my problem and to solve the other one? :)
**I'm using NetStream
Alright, for the first problem, what you want to do is to setup a function that receives the MetaData of the video and save that value somewhere.
First, when you create your NetStream Object, you need to add a Client to the NetStream that references the function onMetaData.
var ns:NetStream; //your NetStream Object
var client:Object = new Object(); //Create an Object that represents the client
client.onMetaData = onMetaData; //reference the function that catches the MetaData of the Video
ns.client = client; //assign our client Object to the client property of the NetStream
//Once MetaData is available, it'll call onMetaData with all of the information
function onMetaData(metaData:Object):void
duration = metaData.duration; //duration is the variable that is supposed to total length of the video
Now with the duration
value you get the total play time of the movie that is currently playing with that NetStream Object.
You can solve your second problem in a number of ways, for example:
Simply keep a Boolean
Variable called pause that keeps track if the video is currently playing or not.
var paused:Boolean = false; //assuming the video is currently playing
var currentTime:Number = 0;
var button:Button; //some kind of play/pause button
function onButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
paused = false;
// //this also works
paused = true;
currentTime = ns.time;