I would like to port an ActiveX of mine (to Silverlight) that have the following features:
- Embedding a logo image in any video file.
- Embedding subtitles in any video file.
- Cropping any video file (for example: cropping 10 seconds of a 1 min. video).
- Save the video file result (by the current encoders of the client).
The current ActiveX uses DirectShow - unfortunately, it can't be used in Silverlight. How I can abandon the old ActiveX technology for the new Silverlight technology?
The simple answer is: you can't.
Silverlight is targeted at two main types of apps:-
- Content presentation, be that Video, Audio and Images, all with a view of creating interesting and engaging ways to interact with this sort of content.
- More recently Line of Business apps, that is data entry and data presentation. Again with a view to making this at least a little bit more visually stimulating than prior technologies made these sorts of apps.
Video editing doesn't really fall into either of these camps and is not catered for.
I'm not sure its yet true to say the ActiveX is old, after all what technology is used to host the Silverlight Plugin in Internet Explorer? ActiveX.