Can anyone point me in the rigth direction for a solution, to get data from a xml file. I normaly use XmlDocument in VB applications, and that have worked flawless all times.
Now Windows Store Apps not really supporting xmlDocument anymore, som working when DOM is imported but XmlNode is not availble. However maybe its just me but XDocument seems to me to be very very difficult and not very logic for looking up data in a simple XML file.
before i used some like this:
xmlDevices = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Device")
For Each xmlDevice As xmlElement In xmlDevices
Dim strDeviceName As String = xmlDevice.Item("DeviceName").InnerText
xmlModbuses = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Modbus")
For Each xmlModbus As xmlElement In xmlModbuses
Dim strModbusID As String = xmlModbus.Attributes("id").InnerText
The XML file i wants to seek data from looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Device id="01">
<Modbus id="01">1000</Modbus>
<Modbus id="02">2000</Modbus>
<Alarm id="01">
<Alarm id="02">
<Device id="02">
<Modbus id="01">1010</Modbus>
<Modbus id="02">2020</Modbus>
<Alarm id="01">
<Alarm id="02">
Best Regards Thomas Nissen
I got it working with following.
Dim xDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(xmlStream.AsStreamForRead())
Dim xmlDevices = xDoc.Root.Elements("Device")
For Each xmlDevice In xmlDevices
If xmlDevice.Attribute("id").Value = RoamingSettings.Containers("Device").Values("DeviceID") Then
Dim xmlAlarms = xmlDevice.Descendants("Alarm")
For Each xmlAlarm In xmlAlarms
If xmlAlarm.Attribute("id").Value = strAlarmID Then
strAlarmDisp = xmlAlarm.Element("AlarmDisp").Value
strAlarmType = xmlAlarm.Element("AlarmType").Value
strAlarmDesc = xmlAlarm.Element("AlarmDesc").Value
strAlarmHelp = xmlAlarm.Element("AlarmHelp").Value
End If
End If