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Change decimal separator in windows xp with php 5.3 and oracle 10g

I have two computers :

Server :

  • Centos.

PC Developer:

  • windows xp


  • apache
  • php 5.3
  • connection with the same BD.

My table has a number column. When I print the number column in php, the output is :

Server :


Pc Developer


I want that the pc developer to print dot as decimal separator, but I don't know how to do it.

Both have the same configuration in php.ini ( datatimezone ) and in the pc developer , the default configuration for decimal separator is dot (.). I hope that you help me. Thanks.


  • Numeric characters(decimal and group separators) derived from nls_numeric_characters initialization parameter. Its default value, derived from nls_territory initialization parameter, and default value of the nls_territory initialization parameter is operating system depended - derived from NLS_LANG environment variable or registry entry on Linux/Unix or Windows operating systems respectively.

    You can override default value of nls_numeric_characters initialization parameter, depending o your needs, instance-wide, session-wide, or statement-wide. Here is a simple example:

    /* current value:  , (comma) as decimal separator and 
                       . (period) as group separator and 
    SQL> show parameter nls_numeric_characters
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE 
    ------------------------------------ ----------- -------------
    nls_numeric_characters               string      ,.  
    SQL> with t1(col) as(
      2    select 1.23 from dual union all
      3    select 234.43 from dual
      4  )
      5  select col
      6    from t1;


    /* set . (period) as decimal separator and 
           , (comma) as group separator */  
    SQL> alter session set nls_numeric_characters='.,';
    Session altered.
    SQL> with t1(col) as(
      2    select 1.23 from dual union all
      3    select 234.43 from dual
      4  )
      5  select col 
      6    from t1;

    Statement-wide. In this situation we have to use to_char() function and provide number format model:

    SQL> with t1(col) as(
      2    select 1.23 from dual union all
      3    select 234.43 from dual
      4  )
      5  select to_char(col, '990d00', q'[nls_numeric_characters='.,']') as res
      6       , col
      7    from t1;
    RES            COL   
    ------- ---------- 
       1.23       1,23 
     234.43     234,43