I have built a report using visual studio 2012, but I cant pass a parameter into it.
I have set up the report parameter called cust, and it gets its values from a dataset.
I have set up a seperate dataset which has a field called cus and i set a query parameter called customer to equal the cust parameter. In the query I have:
where cus = (@customer)
I get an error:
column "customer" does not exist
Can someone confirm where I am going wrong?
Edit: Connection type is an ODBC
So I am completely rewriting this because of the ODBC clarification.
Change your @Cust to a ?
Select Cus, FirstName, LastName, otherDataYouMayNeed
From Table Name
Where (cus = ?)
Then set the parameter name to ' ?
Click on the Parameters Section of the dataset you are working on then make sure you change the parameter name value to a ?
This should work for your ODBC.
(Make sure you make your parameter datatype to match the datatype of the "customer")