When using the Omniture Data Warehouse API Explorer ( https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/get-started/api-explorer#DataWarehouse.Request ), the following request provides an 'Date_Granularity is invalid response'. Does anyone have experience with this? The API documentation ( https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/documentation/data-warehouse/pdf ), states that the following values are acceptable: "none, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year."
"Metric_List":[ ],
"Date_Granularity is invalid."
Old question, just noticing it now. Data Warehouse did not support the Hour granularity correctly until Jan 2013 (the error you saw was a symptom of this). Then it was corrected for date ranges less then 14 days. In the July 2013 maintenance release of v15 the 14 day limit should be gone. But I have not verified that myself.
As always the more data you request the longer the DW processing will take. So I recommend keeping ranges to a maximum of a month and uncompressed file sizes to under a 1GB, though I hear 2 GB should now be supported.
If you still have issues please let us know.
Thanks C.