I've got a strange problem with opencpu. I'am setting up a webinterface to use xcms (R-package) and when reading an mzxml file with the webinterface I get the error : cannot allocate vector of size 207.2 Mb. This looks like an error from R, but if I open R on the server and try to open the file myself it works and R creates and object of 435Mb. Is there somewhere a memory limit set (apache, opencpu, R)? If I use ulimit -a the max memory size is set to unlimited.
Cheers, Rico
Yes, the OpenCPU cloud server sets a memory limit RLIMIT_AS
on every request using the RAppArmor package. This is to prevent a single user from consuming all resources on a server. The default limit is 1GB per process. You can configure these limits by editing:
After editing the file, restart the server:
sudo service opencpu restart
For more information on rlimits, read the JSS paper on RAppArmor.