How I can write data in serial port, with delay between send's messages? This is my code:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Done_clicked()
QString cmd = Phase+Mode;
//Write Stop
sport->write("stop!", 5);
//Write Mode
sport->write(cmd.toStdString().c_str(), cmd.toStdString().length());
//Write Speed
sport->write(Speed.toStdString().c_str(), Speed.toStdString().length());
//Write Direction
sport->write(Direction.toStdString().c_str(), Direction.toStdString().length());
sport->write("start!", 6);
My device receives an error message when I call this function.
Thank you.
2 options:
use waitForBytesWritten
to ensure the bytes are written and then a short sleep
however this will block the thread and will block the gui
the other is using a QTimer to trigger another slot a few times and a field that will indicate what needs to be sent