Search code examples

linked list search function

I am developing a C program and I want to use this function to check if an element of type Client with a given number is already inserted. It moves along the list and returns 1 as soon as the number is found, only when I try to compile, it tells me the "prev" variable is not used.

int list_search_number(LinkedListNode head, Client value){                      
    LinkedListNode prev, curr;

    prev = NULL;
    curr = head;

    while (curr != NULL) { 
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr->next;}                   
          else if(curr->value.number==value.number)
            return 1;                                
return 0;                           

The linked list and Client structures are defined correctly.


  • You do not need to store prev pointer since there is no need for it. Remove prev variable and go on.

    Change the algorithm to return 1 if the number is found and return 0 if it is not found. prev pointer is useless.

    Here is the code.

    int list_search_number(LinkedListNode head, Client value){                      
        LinkedListNode curr;
        curr = head;
        while (curr != NULL) { 
                return 1;
              else {
                    curr = curr->next;      
    return 0;                           