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Javascript/jQuery Dynamic text to link/href replece

I need to replace and convert to URL following words on my entire site; Square-Technology UK. I've done some research into replacing text displayed within a site to replace it with url. Here is the code:

However it doesn't replace on my website for some reason. Here is the HTML am using.

<div class="main_testimonials">
<div class="c_box"></div>
<div class="main_content_img">
<img src="images/news/thumbs/1184901_10151885560986667_1371257993_n_t2.jpg" alt="News" class="news-category"></div>
<div class="main_bubble_box">
Thank you Square-Technology UK for my new system!!

this is an example of different javascipt that works, note the ' and "

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').removeClass('no-js'); $('#my-carousel-3').carousel({ itemsPerPage: 3, itemsPerTransition: 3, easing: 'swing', noOfRows: 1 }); });</script>\n";

Right managed to solve this very easily. My script didn't allow me to use double quotes inside the echo tag in PHP, which is quite obvious. Alternatively using single quotes does not work using the script I posted at the beginning. However the way to do it is just create another file.js, place the code inside it, and then attach it using the following:

echo"<script type='text/javascript' src='js/test_replace.js'></script>\n";


  • So I managed to solve this very easily. My script didn't allow me to use double quotes inside the echo tag in PHP, which is quite obvious. Alternatively using single quotes does not work using the script I posted at the beginning. However the way to do it is just create another file.js, place the code inside it, and then attach it using the following:

    echo"<script type='text/javascript' src='js/test_replace.js'></script>\n";