I am not able to setup SVN in Xcode 5. Iv tried these steps:
1) Goto-Xcode-Preferences-Accounts-Add Repositories (clicking "+" sign).
2) Enter the url to common server and click next.
3)Enter the credentials. At this point of time i get this error message
When i click ok i get this screen
Where do i go from here. No other Option left.
The source control seems to be like this.
I've answered a similar question here and provided references in my earlier answer. Generally speaking you should have been authenticated to the repository (if password is required) and then presented with a target directory. Please note that I am using Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005).
You could also try importing a sample svn from an offline resource such as the one referenced in the image below. This would help you with validating that everything is correct on your machine/installation. At that point, I'd recommend extrapolating to see how your specific project might be different.
If all else fails you can go to Terminal and use the SVNBook resource from my other question to manually create a local SVN repository and then simply add that to your project. You could then work on adding a remote repo after you have the basics working.