I'm using SAS 9.2, and I got the following piece of code:
data success error;
length vague 3 path $150;
set foplist;
call symputx('error_count', rownum);
%if &&error&error_count = 0 %then %do;
path= "&&path&error_count";
output success;
%else %do;
For each record I'd like to get the rownum, and combine it with another macro variable. The rownum displays the rownumber of a record in the foplist dataset. For some reason I always get the last number in the dataset (probably because of macro compilation?)
For example: A --- rownum=1 B --- rownum=2
I only get rownum=2
Any idea how to fix it?
You can't create and resolve a macro variable within the same datastep.
Have you already defined the macro variables ERROR1-ERRORx and PATH1-PATHn and wish to retrieve those values into the datastep based on rownum? i.e. to resolve &&ERROR&ERROR_COUNT
If so, just use symexist / symget...
data success error ; length vague 3 path $150 ; set foplist ; if symexist(cats('ERROR',rownum)) and symexist(cats('PATH',rownum)) then do ; error_count = symget(cats('ERROR',rownum)) ; if error_count = 0 then do ; path = symget(cats('PATH',rownum)) ; vague = 1 ; output success ; end ; else output error ; end ; else output error ; run;