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Fitting child div inside parent div

As usual I have a parent and child div. Dimensions of a child div is not fixed. On click event I want to change dimensions of a child div to fit perfectly inside a parent div.

Note: This is same as pdf viewer fit page feature


<a href="javascript:void(0)">Click</a>

<div id="parent">
    <div id="child4" class="child"></div>
    <!-- Please check by commenting childs one by one
    <div id="child2" class="child"></div>
    <div id="child3" class="child"></div>
    <div id="child4" class="child"></div>


#parent {width:200px; height:100px; margin:100px auto; border:1px solid #000; overflow:auto}
.child {margin:0; border:1px solid #000; background-color:maroon; opacity:0.5}

#child1 {width:100px; height:50px}
#child2 {width:400px; height:100px}
#child3 {width:100px; height:500px}
#child4 {width:400px; height:500px}


    // Fit block
        //I want logic here to fit $(".child") div perfectly
        //inside $("#parent") div. After changes dimensions
        //of child should be in proportion to its original width/height.
        //if height is more
        //then it should get parents height and if width is more
        //than it should get parents width but there should be no
        //vertical or horizontal scroll

        $(".child").height($("#parent").height() - 20);

Fiddle -

Thanks in advance.


  • Similar to how CSS background-size:contain; works?

    Here is the solution:

    var $child = $('.child'),     
        h = $child.height(),
        w = $child.width(),
        bw = $child.css('border-width').replace('px',''),
        parH = $('#parent').height(),
        parW = $('#parent').width(),
        car = w / h, 
        par = parW / parH,
        if(car > par){
            newW = parW;
            newH = h / w * newW;    
             newH = parH;
             newW = w / h * newH;
        console.log(w+'X'+h+' to '+newW+'X'+newH)

    Check this jsfiddle.