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pgr_astar and impossible edges (e.g., locked doors)

I'm using postgresql / PostGIS with pgrouting and I need to compute the shortest path. In a previous version of pgrouting, I was using shortest_path_astar. In my routing graph I had impossible segments, such as locked doors. I used:

SELECT id FROM shortest_path_astar('SELECT edge_id AS id, vertex_id1 AS source, vertex_id2 AS target, ' || '(CASE WHEN door = ''S'' THEN -1.0  ELSE  (length)  )  END)::float8 AS cost, ' || '(CASE WHEN door_rev = ''S'' THEN -1.0  ELSE  (length)  )  END )::float8 AS reverse_cost, ' || 'x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM edges', origin_node, destination_node, TRUE, TRUE)

Basically: when door is closed (door = ''S''), I fixed the cost to -1. It worked fine till the new version of this function, pgr_astar. With pgr_astar instead of shortest_path_astar, this query crashes the server.

How can I change my function to avoid the crash?


  • I finally used pgr_bdAstar, bi-directional A* Shortest Path.