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Itertools to create a list and work out probability

I am trying to work out the probability of 'Susie' winning a match.

Probability of 'Susie' winning a game = 0.837
Probability of 'Bob' winning a game = 0.163

If the first person to win n games wins a match, what is the smallest value of n such that Susie has a better than 0.9 chance of winning the match?

So far I have this code:

import itertools

W = 0.837
L = 0.163
for product in itertools.product(['W','L'], repeat=3): #3=number of games
    print product

Which prints:

('W', 'W', 'W')
('W', 'W', 'L')
('W', 'L', 'W')
('W', 'L', 'L')
('L', 'W', 'W')
('L', 'W', 'L')
('L', 'L', 'W')
('L', 'L', 'L')

I then want to use these results to work out the probability of 'Susie' winning the match overall.

I have worked out this problem on paper, the more games played, the more chance there is of 'Susie' winning the match.


  • You can use a dictionary for probabilities:

    import itertools
    import operator
    probabilities = {'W':0.837, 'L':0.163}
    for product in itertools.product(['W','L'], repeat=3): #3=number of games
        p = reduce(operator.mul,
                   [probabilities[p] for p in product])
        print product, ":", p

    The reduce function accumulates all elements of a list using function given in the first argument - here we accumulate them by multiplying.

    This gives you probabilities of each event sequence. From this you can easily choose which one is "Susie winning a match", and sum the probabilities. One possibility to do this is:

    import itertools
    import operator
    probabilities = {'W':0.837, 'L':0.163}
    winProbability = 0
    for product in itertools.product(['W','L'], repeat=3): #3=number of games
        p = reduce(operator.mul,
                   [probabilities[p] for p in product])
        if product.count('W') > 1: #works only for 3 games
            winProbability += p
            print "Susie wins:", product, "with probability:", p
            print "Susie looses:", product, "with probability:", p
    print "Total probability of Susie winning:", winProbability 

    The condition works only for 3 games, but I'm really leaving this one to you - it's easy to generalize this for n games :)