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Possible to get the name of a variable in D?

I am currently trying to write a program in D that when called and passed an object, it will serialize the object into an XML document. I would like to make it as simple as passing the object into it, but I'm not entirely sure it can be done. Example:

class A
    //Constructors and fluff

    int firstInt;
    int secondInt;

A myObj = new A();

and the output would be


So, is it possible for me to even get the name of the variables inside of the object or would that have to all be manually done?


  • Code is worth a thousand words (intentionally simplified):

    import std.stdio;
    void print(T)(T input)
        if (is(T == class) || is(T == struct))
        foreach (index, member; input.tupleof)
            writefln("%s = %s", __traits(identifier, T.tupleof[index]), member);
    struct A
        int x, y;
    void main()
        print(A(10, 20));