Search code examples

Two Queries with WP_Query append second one to end with Pagination

What I am trying to do is create two queries for properties. One will retrieve the regular results based on a normal query. The second query will retrieve properties closely related to the first query. I am able to run both queries and retrieve all results with posts_per_page set to unlimited and no pagination. The problem when adding pagination is that both loops run and display posts on each page.

The page would have 3 from the first loop followed by 3 from the second loop.

I have tried to merge the two queries into one and show them but the same results happen. 3 and 3.

I am thinking that I need to append somehow to be sure that the second loop is getting output after the first. Any thoughts?

Here are my loops(I excluded args because of length)

$queryOne = new WP_Query($args);
$queryTwo = new WP_Query($args2);
$results = new WP_Query(); 

$results->posts = array_merge($queryOne->posts, $queryTwo->posts);

<?php foreach($results->posts as $post) : ?>
  <?php setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
  <?php get_template_part( 'property-listing' ); ?>

<?php endforeach; ?>


  • as parse_query relies on post_count you'll have to add the two post_counts. In your example post_count is not set. It should work if you populate the post_count. Simply add this at the end:

    $results->post_count = $queryOne->post_count + $queryTwo->post_count;

    Your complete example:

      $queryOne = new WP_Query($args);
      $queryTwo = new WP_Query($args2);
      $results = new WP_Query(); 
      $results->posts = array_merge($queryOne->posts, $queryTwo->posts);
      $results->post_count = $queryOne->post_count + $queryTwo->post_count;
      foreach($results->posts as $post) : 
         setup_postdata( $post );
         get_template_part( 'property-listing' );