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Fix resources when language is changed

I already know how to change the language of my application (updating the configuration). My code also check if the configuration is changed by the system and "fix it" in the ´onCreate´ method. I even have created a ListPreference to let the user decide the language with one that my app supports (and saves the decision).

Let's say I have 3 activities (A, B and SettingsActivity). Activity A can start activities B and SettingsActivity. Activity B can start SettingsActivity. If the user changes the language inside SettingsActivity, I can update its resources (in this case Strings) without any problem using this code:

// Disabled because it blinks and looks bad
// recreate();
// } else {
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);
// }

However, I'm unable to change the already open activities because I have no reference to them from SettingsActivity.

My question: is there any clean way to update the resources or recreate the already open activities? If I don't find a better solution, my approach will be one of the above:

  1. Start activities using startActivityForResultand return a code to trigger the code I already use to recreate the activity.
  2. Check inside the onResume method if the current language has changed and do the same thing.


  • At the end what I did was this:

    protected void onStart() {
        if (!locale.equals(getResources().getConfiguration().locale)) {
            overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

    Where locale is a variable assigned in my onCreate method:

    private Locale locale;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ((Application) getApplication()).refreshLanguage();
        locale = getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
        //moar code

    Finally, for the sake of posting code, here is my refreshLanguage method(s):

    boolean refreshLanguage() {
        return refreshLanguage(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this));
    boolean refreshLanguage(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) {
        if (sharedPreferences.contains("language")) {
            int languageIndex = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("language", "0"));
            if (!getResources().getConfiguration().locale.equals(languages[languageIndex])) {
                Configuration config = new Configuration();
                config.locale = languages[languageIndex];
                getResources().updateConfiguration(config, null);
                return true;
        return false;

    Notice that I use onStart rather than onResume because I'm not switching between transparent activities or using dialogs.