i have a server wich and i want to execute multiples programs. I think the best was use xterm in order to monitor every program output, if there are something better i would like to know it. The proble is the line 10, i need to pass a cero as an argument and i do not know how. I think there is very easy way but search without succeded.
3 sudo chown irma /dev/ttyACM0
4 sudo chown irma /dev/ttyUSB0
5 xterm $DIR"/src/init/init-cda" &
6 xterm $DIR"/src/processors/monitor/monitor" &
7 xterm $DIR"/src/processors/closeRangeNavigator/closeRangeNavigator" &
8 xterm $DIR"/src/processors/laser/laser" &
9 xterm $DIR"/src/processors/longRangeNavigator/longRangeNavigator" &
10 xterm $DIR"/src/processors/executive/executive" 0 &
The right syntax for xterm is
xterm -e programname argument1 argument2 argument3 ...
no problem to pass "0" to the "programname"
your line 10 should look like:
xterm -e "$DIR/src/processors/executive/executive" "0" &
Try to find a way to run your "server" tasks independent from a terminalsession. Monitoring via logfiles is easy ( like less +F logfilename ) and it makes everything rock solid.