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Fast test execution in a playframework fake application

Running tests as described here

"Spec" should {
  "example" in new WithApplication {

is unacceptably slow for me. This is because new WithApplication is starting and stoping framework at every example. Don't get me wrong, a framework itself loads very fast, but if database is configured (surprise!), situation becomes terrible.

Here are some measurments:

"The database layer" should {

  "test1" in  {
    1 must be equalTo(1)
  "test20" in {
    1 must be equalTo(1)

Execution time: 2 seconds. Same test with WithApplication at every example consumes 9 seconds

I was able to achive much better results thanks to this answer

import play.api.Play
import play.api.test.FakeApplication
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scalikejdbc._

class MySpec extends Specification {

var fake: FakeApplication = _

step {fake = FakeApplication(...)}
step {Play.start(fake)}

"The database layer" should {

  "some db test" in {
    DB localTx { implicit session =>

  "another db test" in {
    DB localTx { implicit session =>

  step {Play.stop()}


Pros: performance boost


  • need to copy-paste setup and tear-down code because don't know how to reuse it (by reuse I mean something like "class MySpec extends Specification with NoWasteOfTime"

  • new WithApplication() calls Helpers.running which looks like this

synchronized {
  try {
  } finally {

so I can't completely emulate Helpers.running behaviour (resetClient is not visible for my code) without reflection.

Please suggest how to break cons or different approach how accomplish my issue.


  • I don't know if it is the best possible solution but in this thread: Execute code before and after specification

    You can read a solution for reusable code. I implemented it with little modifications. For me the beforeAll step did not run and added the sequential modifier.

    import org.specs2.mutable._
    import org.specs2.specification._
    class PlayAppSpec extends Specification with BeforeAllAfterAll{
        lazy val app : FakeApplication = {
        def beforeAll(){
        def afterAll(){
    import org.specs2.specification.Step
    trait BeforeAllAfterAll extends Specification {
      // see specs2 User Guide, linked below
      override def map(fragments: =>Fragments) = {
        fragments ^ Step(afterAll)
      def beforeAll()
      def afterAll()

    I think the map would be better with Step(...) ^ fragments ^ Step(...) but it did not run the beforeAll for me. The user guide at "Global setup/teardown" says to use a lazy val.

    Overall it was a pain to set up this. My problem was Exception in thread "Thread-145" Connection reset Or

    Configuration error[Cannot connect to database [default]] (Configuration.scala:559)

    When reusing the same FakeApplication: SQLException: Attempting to obtain a connection from a pool that has already been shutdown.

    I think it is much more logical this way than always creating a new application for every "in" block or adding all tests into one block.