I'm trying to ignore a property from source type. I have defined mapping like this:
var map = AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<Article, IArticle>();
map.ForSourceMember(s => s.DateCreated, opt => opt.Ignore());
map.ForSourceMember(s => s.DateUpdated, opt => opt.Ignore());
When I call Map function,
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(article, articlePoco);
destination's properties gets updated anyway. I'm using the latest stable version downloaded from NuGet.
Any ideas why this isn't working ?
I have found similar question to this one but there is no answer attached. [question]:AutoMapper's Ignore() not working?
Change the mapping to use ForMember:
map.ForMember(s => s.DateCreated, opt => opt.Ignore());
map.ForMember(s => s.DateUpdated, opt => opt.Ignore());