I am working on a sybase-iq server Sybase IQ/
I have a working query to update one field of a table as below
update table1
set a.field1= b.some_value
from table1 a,
table2 b
where a.id = b.id
This is working fine when I execute it from a sql session. When it is being called from a high level application, I am getting the below error for the above query
SQL Exception code is 7301
Update operation attempted on non-updatable query
I am not able to find why I am getting this error. Is there any solution to amend the query. Searching on the internet is not helping much.
Have anyone come across such issue?
You attempted an insert, update, or delete operation on a query that is implicitly read-only. You're trying to update system table or table which cannot be changed in that manner.