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How to convert a phone number to the IRI format? (Internationalized Resource Identifiers)

I am discovering W3C's IRI (aka RFC3987).

How to convert a phone number (let's say I have the String "+12-3456-789") to the IRI format?

Preferably in Java, but any other language is acceptable.

Or am I mistaken, and IRI can not be used for phone numbers? I guess the "tel:" protocol (RFC 3966) makes them acceptable, but not sure how the whole IRI works in practice.


  • RFC 3987 defines steps for converting URIs to IRIs. The only thing that may need to be changed is the percent-encoding.

    Your telephone number has the following URI (according to RFC 3966):


    As there are no percent-encoded characters, the IRI would be the same:


    Some parameters can be used in tel URIs, e.g., phone-context has to be used for local numbers, which may contain percent-encoded content. Following the linked conversion steps, such an tel URI might have a different IRI form.