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Bugzilla could not connect to the mysql?

I am using C:\Bugzilla> and it shows me this error message...plz tell me how i connect to mysql with bugzilla....

There was an error connecting to MySQL:

Access denied for user 'bugs'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

This might have several reasons:

  • MySQL is not running.
  • MySQL is running, but there is a problem either in the server configuration or the database access rights. Read the Bugzilla Guide in the doc directory. The section about database configuration should help.
  • Your password for the 'bugs' user, specified in $db_pass, is incorrect, in './localconfig'.
  • There is a subtle problem with Perl, DBI, or MySQL. Make sure all settings in './localconfig' are correct. If all else fails, set '$db_check' to 0.


  • You need to grant access to the user bugs from localhost to this database. Try the following, replacing the relevant parameters

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASENAME.* To 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

    More information about GRANT