I keep getting this error in codekit when trying to compile my project and have no idea what it means:
System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -E (RuntimeError)
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
This guide should help you:
If not, fixes to the issue discussed in the CodeKit forum:
You’re on Mavericks and you’ve got CodeKit set to use an external Compass, Sass, Slim or Haml compiler. But that external compiler is running in the old version of Ruby that was migrated from Mountain Lion (Ruby 1.8.7).
All you need to do is re-install your external compiler in the Ruby 2.0 environment on Mavericks and use that compiler instead. Alternately, you can simply switch CodeKit back to using its internal compiler.
sudo gem install ruby
sudo gem install compass