In other question (here: Pass an IO.DirectoryInfo property as a parameter to a function?) I asked about how to improve a function to pass a DirectoryInfo property as parametter, the problem is the code only works with ""toplevel"" properties like "Name", "Root", "Drive", etc...
But I would need to use the function like this:
Dim Folders As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo) = blah bla blah...
For Each folderinfo In Bubble_Sort_List_DirectoryInfo(Folders, Function() New IO.DirectoryInfo("").Name)
But I need to use the function like this else:
For Each folderinfo In Bubble_Sort_List_DirectoryInfo(Folders, Function() New IO.DirectoryInfo("").Parent.Name.Length)
What is necessary to add/modify in this function to manage the usage of DirectoryInfo properties like "Name.Length" or "Parent.Name.Length"?
Private Shared Function Bubble_Sort_List_DirectoryInfo(list As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo), _
exp As Expression(Of Func(Of Object))) _
As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo)
Dim member As MemberExpression = _
If(TypeOf exp.Body Is UnaryExpression, _
DirectCast(DirectCast(exp.Body, UnaryExpression).Operand, MemberExpression), _
DirectCast(exp.Body, MemberExpression))
Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _
Key .OrgStr = s, _
Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _
s.Name, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _
Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft( _
list.Select(Function(folder) DirectCast(DirectCast(member.Member, PropertyInfo) _
.GetValue(folder, Nothing), Object).ToString.Length).Max(), _
If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _
}).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr).ToList
End Function
This are just some explanations and examples.
Inside a directory of my drive I have some folders with folder-names like these:
In my application I get the folders using the "IO.Directory.GetDirectories" method and I store them into a list of DirectoryInfo()
This is the input list:
Dim Folders As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo) = _
IO.Directory.GetDirectories("E:\Música\Canciones", "*", IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) _
.Select(Function(p) New IO.DirectoryInfo(p)).ToList()
...But the "IO" method causes the list contents to be sorted as string sort like this:
My desired output is this:
So after creating the List using the "IO" method I'll need to sort the list contents to get my desired output AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I GET USING THE FUNCTION ABOVE calling the function using the property "Name" as parametter to bubble sort the folders by their Name property, so I get my desired output.
well the problem is I need to use other properties like "Name.Length" and "Parent.Name.Length", but the function only allows the usage of a """TopLevel""" property like "Name", "Parent", etc but not variable properties.
Make a class that implements IComparer:
Public Class MyDirectoryInfoComparer
Implements IComparer(Of IO.DirectoryInfo)
Public Function Compare(x As IO.DirectoryInfo, y As IO.DirectoryInfo) As Integer _
Implements IComparer(Of IO.DirectoryInfo).Compare
' x comes before y
Return -1 ' or any number less than 0
' x is the same as y
Return 0
' x comes after y
Return 1 ' or any number greater than 0
End Function
Create your list:
Dim Folders As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo) = _
IO.Directory.GetDirectories("E:\Música\Canciones", "*", IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) _
.Select(Function(p) New IO.DirectoryInfo(p)).ToList()
Then use your comparer class to sort it:
Folders.Sort(New MyDirectoryInfoComparer)