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Inno Setup and components stored online

I'm quite new to Inno Setup and scripting but managed to create own setup with 30 different components to be selected and installed. I would like to add more of them but what's left is simple too big, so I would prefer to convert my whole setup to be like an online installer.

Downloaded and installed InnoTools Downloader, tested some examples, but it's probably too difficult to me. I would need a good example of Inno Setup/InnoTools Downloader script with a few components to be DL online, so I can analyse and learn how to do it.


  • Have a look at the setup.iss example script that comes with Inno. This is the script for Inno itself, and includes some download functionality.

    Currently I think it uses ISXDL rather than ITDownload, but the same basic structure applies to both. Compare it with the example script included with ITDownload.