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Standard deviation with ChunkyPNG

I am trying to find the contrast of an image using ChunkyPNG. Is there any way to get the standard deviation of an image using ChunkyPNG?


  • Looking at the ChunkyPNG code, I couldn't find any stats module.

    But you can use the following method:

    image = ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file('any PNG image file')
    # @return [Hash] some statistics based on image pixels
    def compute_image_stats(image, &pixel_transformation)
      # compute pixels values
      data  = {|pixel| yield(pixel)} # apply the pixel convertion
      # compute stats
      n         = data.size # sum of pixels
      mean      = data.inject(:+).to_f / n
      variance  = data.inject(0) {|sum, item| sum += (item - mean)**2} / n
      sd        = Math.sqrt(variance) # standard deviation
      {mean: mean, variance: variance, sd: sd}
    # compute stats for grayscale image version
    compute_image_stats(image) {|pixel| ChunkyPNG::Color.grayscale_teint(pixel)}
    # compute stats for blue channel
    compute_image_stats(image) {|pixel| ChunkyPNG::Color.b(pixel)}

    I included all stats in the return, because they were computed for standard deviation (sd) calculation.