I have an iOS project that is already set up with Cocoapods. I use a bunch of libraries, but sometimes I add/remove/update libraries between different branches and forget to run pod update
in the terminal to make sure I have all the correct pods for the branch I'm working on.
What I'm trying to set up a build step in my project (iOS 7, Xcode 5) that performs the following actions:
pod update
.pod update
/pod install
I'm looked through the documentation in the Cocoapods website and couldn't find the solution to my problem.
Any pointers are appreciated!
Cheers, Mário
There are a couple of Xcode plugins that make things easier but I don't think they will do auto updating:
Handy Xcode Plugin For Working With CocoaPods: ManiacDev
An Xcode 5 Plugin For Easier Cocoapods Usage And Podfile Creation: ManiacDev
CocoaPods for Xcode: kattrali/cocoapods-xcode-plugin