I need a PowerShell script (2.0 compatible) to scan SQL Server 2008 R2 and later error logs. I need to have a list of phrases to search for, and a list of phrases to exclude.
param ([String]$instanceName=$(throw "Instance name was not supplied"))
$sqlServer = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $instanceName;
$r = $sqlServer.ReadErrorLog();
$find = "Error:","Failed";
$exclude = "Error: 0x2098";
# need to do something with $r here and involve $find and $exclude
So, for example I want to find all lines in the ERRORLOG that contain Error:
and Failed
, but exclude the ones in the $exclude
array. Any ideas?
You can find a lot of info on this here: Use PowerShell to Parse SQL Server 2012 Error Logs
But one way to do what you are asking is by filtering the results when setting $r
$r = $sqlServer.ReadErrorLog() | ? { $_.Text -match 'error' -OR $_.text -match 'Failed' -and $_text -notmatch "Error: 0x2098"}
You can iterate through each list and update $r accordingly, something like below should get you started.
Foreach($ExcludeText in $exclude){
$r = $r | ? {$_.text -notmatch $ExcludeText}
Foreach($IncludeText in $find){
$r = $r | ?{$_.text -match $IncludeText}