The code in the sequence is working fine, but looking to improve the MySQL code to a more efficient format.
The first case is about a function that received a parameter and returns the customerID from MySQL db:
def clean_table(self,customerName):
getCustomerIDMySQL="""SELECT customerID
FROM customer
WHERE customerName = %s;"""
for getID_row in self.cursorMySQL:
return customerID
In the case we know before hand that the result will be just one output, how to get the same thing into my getID_row, without using "for" statement?
For the second case, the function is running with the table name ('customer') on it...
def clean_tableCustomer(self):
cleanTableQuery = """TRUNCATE TABLE customer;"""
setIndexQuery = """ALTER TABLE customer AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;"""
then, how to replace the table name as a parameter passed through the function? Here is how I tried to get this done:
def clean_table(self,tableName):
cleanTableQuery = """TRUNCATE TABLE %s;"""
setIndexQuery = """ALTER TABLE %s AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;"""
But MySQL didn't work this time.
All comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.
For the first case (simple, but easy to get a KeyError when there is no row):
customerID = self.cursorMySQL.fetchone()[0]
More correct is to implement a new method for the cursor class:
def autofetch_value(self, sql, args=None):
""" return a single value from a single row or None if there is no row
self.execute(sql, args)
returned_val = None
row = self.fetchone()
if row is not None:
returned_val = row[0]
return returned_val
For the second case:
def clean_table(self,tableName):
cleanTableQuery = """TRUNCATE TABLE %s;""" % (tableName,)
setIndexQuery = """ALTER TABLE %s AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;""" % (tableName,)
Make sure you sanitize the data, since the cursor won't.