I use Spring MVC and Hibernate Validator. I have a OrderForm where you can choose from different payment methods. You have a radio button where you choose your payment method and enter the relevant parameters for the chosen payment methods.
Of course, if someone has chosen "Direct Debit" I don't want validation errors within the "PayPal" Form. At the time I do it like this:
public class OrderForm
private Integer customerId
private PaymentMethodDebitForm paymentMethodDebitForm;
private PaymentMethodPayPalForm paymentMethodPayPalForm;
private String paymentSelection;
public PaymentForm getPaymentForm ( )
if (paymentSelection.equals("PayPal"))
return paymentMethodPayPalForm;
return paymentMethodDebitForm;
This way the validator gets only the form of the selected payment method.
I have two problems.
Spring generates error codes for this with the name of the abstract superclass ("PaymentForm") and not the concret class ("PaymentMethodDebitForm"). As I use this form at a different place as the concrete subclass, I get two different codes resolved. I worked around this by setting the code in the forms:
public class PaymentMethodDebitForm extends PaymentForm
@Size(min = 3, max = 50, message = "{paymentMethodDebitForm.iban.Size}")
private String iban;
In my jsp I need to refer to the concrete class when I render input field and refer to the super class when I render the error:
<form:input path="paymentMethodDebitForm.iban" size="40" maxlength="50" />
<form:errors path="paymentMethodForm.iban" />
not so nice.
How do you handle polymorphic stuff when it comes to forms and validation with spring/hibernate? Is there some advice how to handle situations like this?
I think I would try to use validation groups via <f:validateBean validationGroups="..." />
or I would separate the forms. This is also discussed here - Validating different Validation Groups JSF 2.0