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The size/length of a QScrollBar

I'm working on a GUI with a Qwt plot and came across a seemingly banal problem - namely I can't resize a QScrollBar the way I would like to.
This is how the plot looks like:

As you can see the vertical and horizontal scroll are bigger/longer than the size of plot canvas and I would like to make them smaller.
I tried scroll->setContentsMargin, I tried styling with margin or height/ width, tried using sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred, stretch=3) or overriding the sizeHint virtual function:

QSize CScroll::sizeHint() const

QSize s=QScrollBar::sizeHint();
const QSize size(s.width()*0.5, s.height());
return size;

but as you can see in the screenshot - the size hint affects only the "thickness" of the scroll - so the vertical scroll is affected and the the horizontal one, not.

I also tried changing the grid layout so that it had one more column/row and empty cells to force the scrollbars to move, but that resulted in scrolls taking half of the space I wanted them too (and I'm no expert when it comes to using layouts).

PS. I am using custom scrollbars because using QScrollArea with a QwtPlot doesn't really work


  • If you using layouts, you can simple add space item before and after scrollbar