i am having recently came to know that sql server if i delete one column or modify it acquires space at backend
so i need to reindex and shrink the database and i have done it and my datbase size reduced to
2.82 to 1.62
so its good like wise so now i am in a confusion so in my mind many questions regarding this subject occurs pls help me about this one 1. So it is necessary to recreate indexes(refresh ) after particular interval
It is necessary to shrink database after particular time so performance will be up to date?
If above yes then what particular time should i refresh (Shrink) my database?
i am having no idea what should be done for disk spacing problem i am having 77000 records it takes 2.82gb dataspace which is not acceptable i am having two tables of that one only with one table nvarchar(max) so there should be minimum spaces to database can anyone help me on this one Thanks in advance
I am going to simplify things a little for you so you might want to read up about the things I talk about in my answer.
Two concepts you must understand. Allocated space vs free space. A database might be 2GB in size but it is only using 1GB so it has allocated 2GB with 1GB free space. When you shrink a database it removes the free space so free space should be about 0. Dont think smaller file size is faster. As you database grows it has to allocate space again. When you shrink the file and then it grows every so often it cannot allocate space in a contiguous fashion. This will create fragmentation of the files which slows you down even more.
With data files(.mdb) files this is not so bad but with the transaction log shrinking the log can lead to virtual log file fragmentation issues which can slow you down. So in a nutshell there is very little reason to shrink your database on a schedule. Go read about Virtual Log Files in SQL Server there are a lot of articles about it. This is a good article about shrink log files and why it is bad. Use it as a starting point.
Secondly indexes get fragmented over time. This will lead to bad performance of SELECT
queries mainly but will also affect other queries. Thus you need to perform some index maintenance on the database. See this answer on how to defragment your indexes.
Well the time you rebuild indexes is not clear cut. Index rebuilds lock the index during the rebuild. Essentially they are offline for the duration. In your case it would be fast 77 000 rows is nothing for SQL server. So rebuilding the indexes will consume server resources. IF you have enterprise edition you can do online index rebuilding which will NOT lock the indexes but will consume more space.
So what you need to do is find a maintenance window. For example if your system is used from 8:00 till 17:00 you can schedule maintenance rebuilds after hours. Schedule this with SQL server agent. The script in the link can be automated to run.
Your database is not big. I have seen SQL server handle tables of 750GB without taking strain if the IO is split over several disks. The slowest part of any database server is not the CPU or the RAM but the IO pathways to the disks. This is a huge topic though. Back to your point you are storing data in NVARCHAR(MAX)
fields. I assume this is large text. So after you shrink the database you see the size at 1,62GB which means that each row in your database is about 1,62/77 000 big or roughly 22Kb big. This seems reasonable. Export the table to a text file and check the size you will be suprised it will probably be larger than 1,62GB.
Feel free to ask more detail if required.