I have a double precision column in my database called "position."
If I have a row with a value in that column that is: 0.564593301435407
And I have a query that has a WHERE statement like the following:
WHERE "position" >= 0.564593301435407
(i.e., Querying for greater than or equal to that exact same value)
It does NOT return that column.
Why would this be?
I couldn't reproduce your exact problem: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/4cb15/6
However, at 15 significant figures you're very close to the limit of accuracy on double precisions, and the fiddle suggests that the value might be getting rounded to 0.56459330143541 where a numeric would not be.
I'd suggest that if high precision comparisons are a priority for you then numeric
is a better choice of data type.