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Integrate multiple AppHarbor apps with existing Logentries account

I have an existing Logentries account that I already log application data to. I would now like to also log AppHarbor infrastructure layer data (load balancer, iis, etc). Basically exactly what you get when you add the AppHarbor Logentries plugin.

The problem with using the plugin approach is it creates a whole new account in logentries for each app. Not exactly practical when you have multiple apps or an existing account.

I have also tried to manually add a log drain to my app following the logentries syslog format that I saw after adding the plugin:
but gave up when I realized there was no way to specify the existing logentries log token.

Is this possible on AppHarbor currently? Will it be possible in the future? I've successfully got multiple AppHarbor apps to integrate with an existing NewRelic account, so hoping its also possible with Logentries.


  • To make use of AppHarbors log drain, you need to create a new log in your existing Logentries account, except choose Plain TCP, UDP as the source. This will give you a port number to use with the log drain as like you mentioned the Token input can't be configured with manual drains. Then on AppHarbor, you would add this url for the drain:


    where PORT is the port number you were given when creating the log. You can create as many of these logs in your Logentries account as you wish and thus point as many AppHarbor sources to the one account as you like. You can give me a shout at also if you have anymore questions, or here of course if you would prefer to use SO.
