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Why is the Facebook api returning #access_token vs ?access_token?

I'm making a call to facebook's api to get an oauth token. The process seems to work but the call back url is returned like this


I would expect the #access_token parameter to be returned as a standard query string parameter not a hash. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Here is the code I'm using to generate the call back uri.

 public static Uri GetAuthorizationUri(string appId, string appSecret, string callBackUrl)
        return new Uri("" +
           "client_id=" + appId +
           "&redirect_uri=" + callBackUrl +
           "&scope=publish_actions,publish_stream,create_event" +
           "&response_type=token" );


  • Changing &response_type=code correctly returns a code that can then be exchanged for a token.