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How to create a color picker

I'm using Xcode in order to make my first app. I want to add and RGB color picker for my text, so I could change the color of my text using the color picker. How can I do it?

Thanks for your time! :)


  • Take a look at GitHub. You'll find gazillion colour picker repos there. This was the first one I found when searching:

    If you are new to programming you should perhaps stick with the built-in UI components. You could use two UIButtons to let the user select between "Red" and "Black" and set the text colour directly from the buttons actions.

    I think a full blown colour picker is a big project for your first app.

    A naïve implementation could simply create a number of colour wells looping through the possible colours.

    UIView subclass with colour wells

    The below ColorPickerView is a UIView subclass that illustrates this.

    #import "ColorPickerView.h"
    @implementation ColorPickerView
    - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
        // Create a grid of n*n wells each with a seperate color --
        const int numberOfWells = 20;
        const int totalWells = numberOfWells * numberOfWells;
        // Figure out the size of each well --
        const CGSize size = self.bounds.size;
        const CGFloat boxHeight = floorf( size.height / numberOfWells);
        const CGFloat boxWidth = floorf( size.width / numberOfWells);
        CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
        // Loop through all the wells --
        for(int y = 0; y < numberOfWells; y++ ) {
            for(int x = 0; x < numberOfWells; x++ ) {
                int wellNumber = x + numberOfWells * y;
                // Assign each well a color --
                UIColor *boxColor = [self colorForWell:wellNumber ofTotal:totalWells];
                [boxColor setFill];
                CGRect box = CGRectMake(x*boxWidth, y*boxHeight, boxWidth, boxHeight);
                CGContextAddRect(context, box);
                CGContextFillRect(context, box);
    -(UIColor*) colorForWell:(int) well ofTotal:(int) wells {
        CGFloat red = (CGFloat) well / wells;
        CGFloat green = well % (wells/3) / (CGFloat) (wells/3);
        CGFloat blue = well % (wells/9) / (CGFloat) (wells/9);
        return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0];

    Let the user click on a colour and infer the colour from the location of the touch.