When surfing the web, I often find myself having to reach for the mouse to place focus on a particular input control. For example, I might need to click in a text box to enter my log-in information. For reasons of efficiency I would prefer to minimise such mouse usage.
I am aware that one can usually use the 'Tab' key to cycle between such controls, but usually there's a whole bunch of header links that one has to navigate before reaching the control of interest. I'm also aware that some applications (e.g. Gmail) have built-in shortcut keys, however I'm looking for something that will work on generic HTML pages.
Usually, once the first control in a form has focus, it's easy to 'Tab' between the remaining controls in that form before submitting it.
My question: Assuming I'm using Firefox (24.0), is there an existing add-on which will speed up (using keyboard shortcuts) the task of setting focus to an arbitrary input control on the page (e.g. the first text box in a form)?
I imagine that such an add-on would listen for a certain key combination e.g. 'Ctrl-Shift-F', upon which it would display tooltip-like information on each visible input control which specifies the subsequent key (e.g. 'a', 'b', 'c' etc) that will cause the corresponding control/link to be focused.
Does anybody know of such an add-on, or am I perhaps looking at this problem the wrong way?
I've only tried Fox Input, but it's working for me so far. It defaults to Alt-I
to move forward through text fields and Alt-J
to move backwards, but you can change the hotkeys in the prefs.
I also use VimFX, which can do a tooltip-style selection of links and text fields, but its other features might be overkill for your problem.