I'm creating a web page in which you have to upload a excel-file (either csv, xls or xlsx). Then I have to check the number of columns in the file, because the can must only contain TWO columns. I already find how to do this, but only for a csv-file:
if (($file = fopen($path, "r")) !== FALSE){
while ($line = fgetcsv($file)){
$numcols = count($line);
if ($numcols != 2) {
echo "The number of columns in your file is not correct. The file must contain only 2 columns. ";
$col = $line[0];
echo "right! numcols = " . $numcols . "<br>";
Now, my question is: is it possible to use a similar function which can do this for all 3 file-formats?
Thanks in advance
Definitely use a library that can read the different formats. As Mark Baker pointed out PHPExcel would be a good choice for the Excel formats.
Something like:
$colCount = checkExcelFile($path)
function checkExcelFile($path){
$workbook = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($path);
// $column should then contain the highest column that is being used.
// It will be in the form A or B or AA etc. but if you are only expecting 2 columns,
// then you would be expected 'B', so that would need to be converted to a number
$column = $workbook->getActiveSheet()->getHighestDataColumn();
$colNumber = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column);
return $colNumber;