I'm trying to create a table using PHPPowerpoint. I'm facing a problem while dealing with merging of table cells which is as follows:
$arr = array('TNS', 'Hard Reserach', 'Kadence', 'RSMRS', 'Sharp', 'Hansa', 'Market Excel');
$shape = $currentSlide->createTableShape(26);
$row = $shape->createRow();
foreach($arr as $name)
$row = $shape->createRow();
On thing I observed is that only the 3rd and 6th element of $arr
are being printed out. Could this be due to the setColSpan
attribute of 3 (multiples of 3 get printed)? If yes, how do I go about it?
Nevermind. I figured it out myself. In case someone else is looking for the same solution, here is how it's done. Slight modification needs to be done which is:
and change