When I retrived a Date field in TOAD it displayed like is '1/18/2038 9:14:07 PM
But when I rertrived in Coldfusion using cfquery and displayed using , then I got the date on screen like '2038-01-18 21:14:07.0
Does anyone have idea why it displayed in different format? Is there anyway we can make it display like TOAD format?
I am using Oracle 10g DB and coldfusion 8
You could use something like:
<cfquery datasource="northwind" name="queryDB">
SELECT date_used, time_used
FROM invoicesTable
<cfoutput query="queryDB">
#DateFormat(date_used, "m/d/yyyy")#
#TimeFormat(time_used, "h:mm tt")#
I think this is what you want.
You could use
#DateTimeFormat(Now(), "mmm d, yyyy","h:mm TT")#
to have datetime format
Happy coding